On Dec 16, 2015 5:26 PM, "Brian Smith" <br...@briansmith.org> wrote:
> Watson Ladd <watsonbl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Brian Smith <br...@briansmith.org> wrote:
>> > So, if [2] is correct, then we can take Watson's 2^36 and multiply it
>> > 2^17 to get 2^53 bytes as the limit? It seems so, since [2] claims that
>> > they've improved the bounds by 2^17. Note that 3 out of 4 of the
authors of
>> > [2] are the same authors as [1], which is the paper that defined the
>> > that the 2^36 number was calculated from.
>> You need to actually read the papers and understand which formulas are
>> modified. If you did you would see the improvement is in AES-GCM with
>> funny nonce sizes, not the confidentiality issue.
> Great. Thank you for pointing out my mistake. First, I'll correct my
mistake in understanding [2]. Then, I'll verify your derivation how we can
get the "2^36 bytes" figure. Lastly, I'll ask whether the initial premise
under which we derived that number is meaningful. In particular, many
people seem to be using a limit of 2^-18 for the attackers
distinguishability advantage to allow (over) 2^48 bytes to be sent, but the
2^36 limit we derived comes from using the number 2^-60 instead. But, is
2^-60 really the right number to use? It seems like we can likely tolerate
a much higher probability of distinguishability. However, it isn't clear
what probability of distinguishability is sufficient. In other words, there
is a tension between the strictness in demanding proof of IND-* security
vs. the simplicity of the protocol (rekeying or now) for AES-GCM. I believe
it is worth asking more cryptographers for help in determining this limit.

We've already decided to add a far more complicated support for new
authentication. Reykeyinh is not that complicated.

> First, my mistake in understanding [2]: The improvements to [2] are for
Theorem 1 in [1], which is about AES-GCM in general, for all nonce lengths.
However, [1] also defined Corollary 3 that tightens the bound for the case
where the nonce length is 96 bits, which completely avoids the term with
factor 2^22. So, the 2^17 improvement in [2] for Theorem 1 is not relevant
because we're using Corollary 3, which is already even tighter. Sorry for
wasting people's time with that.
> Second, let's go back to how we got 2^36. We used Corollary 3 from [1],
which has this formula:
>         0.5(σ + q + 1)^2 / 2^n
> We rename σ to s:
>         0.5(s + q + 1)^2 / 2^n
> substitute n == 128:
>         0.5(s + q + 1)^2 / 2^128
> and simplify:
>         (s + q + 1)^2 / 2^127
> we get the formula in Watson's email [3]. In that email, Watson then
claimed that we want to keep this quantity under 2^-60:
>         (s + q + 1)^2 / 2^127 < 2^-60.
> Simplified:
>         (s + q + 1)^2 < 2^67.
> Further simplified:
>         s + q + 1 < 2^33.5.
> So, Watson's point in [3], as I understand it, is that even if we ignore
q, s must be less than 2^32. 2^32 blocks * 2^4 bytes per block = 2^36 bytes
in order to have a proof of IND-* security for AES-GCM, So we'd need to
send 2^36 or fewer bytes to have proven IND-* security.
> Lastly, let's reconsider Watson's claim in [3] that 1/2^60 is the correct
bound. In [0], the authors wrote: "To provide a concrete example, these
results show that, if AES is indistinguishable from a random permutation,
and fewer than 2^48 packets are protected, then the attacker’s advantage is
no more than 2^−18." This implies that David thought that 2^-18 was a
sufficient bound.

There are likely to be over 2^40 tls connections globally.

> Note that even the conclusion of [1] says that its bounds for the 96-bit
nonce case is tighter than the bounds from the original proof [0]. So, it
seems strange to use [1] to refute the above claim from [0], when in fact
[1] strengthens [0] for the case of 96-nonces, which is what TLS uses.

The claim may be true. But I'm saying 2^-18 is insufficient.
> [0] https://eprint.iacr.org/2004/193.pdf
>> > [1] https://eprint.iacr.org/2012/438.pdf
>> > [2] https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/214.pdf
> [3] https://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/tls/current/msg18240.html
> Cheers,
> Brian
> --
> https://briansmith.org/
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