On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 7:45 AM,  <nalini.elk...@insidethestack.com> wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> Please excuse if this topic has been previously discussed.  I have a 
>> question about TCP Keep Alives.
>> Section 5 of draft-ietf-tls-tls13-11 reads:
>> "Three protocols that use the TLS Record Protocol are described in this 
>> document: the TLS Handshake Protocol, the Alert Protocol, and the 
>> application data protocol."
>> Then continues with:
>> "Implementations MUST NOT send record types not defined in this document 
>> unless negotiated by some extension.  If a TLS implementation receives an 
>> unexpected record type, it MUST send an
>> "unexpected_message" alert."
>> In the wild today, I see many TLS connections which use TCP Keep Alive (NOT 
>> TLS Heartbeat).   I take it that this will not work going forth?

>TCP Keep Alive is invisible to the TLS connection.

I see. Then, is it that PACKETS without the TLS record protocol may be sent on 
the TLS connection, but IF the TLS Record protocol IS used, then the record 
types must be one of those described? 

Or is it that TCP Keep Alive is taken out by the TCP stack and not passed to 

>  Thanks,
> Nalini Elkins
> Inside Products, Inc.
> www.insidethestack.com
> (831) 659-8360
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