Hi list,

I have created a pull request


I would like to suggest that we change the terminology "NamedGroup" to

In [1], it is suggested that we redefine the syntax, which leads to the
separation of public key crypto

and symmetric crypto during a handshake. Because of this separation, new
terminology was defined

for key exchange algorithms and authentication algorithms for public key
crypto in the key exchange

extension. "NamedGroup" was used to refer the underlying key exchange
parameters, which comes

from the "Supported Elliptic Curves" in previous versions.

The use of "NamedGroup" implicitly requests the key exchange algorithm to
be Deffie-Hellman type.

While it is safe for now, it would be nice to have some crypto agility, and
future proof. It would make

the transition to other key exchange primitives (such as lattice based key
exchange) or methods

(such as key encapsulation mechanism) easier in the future, if we do not
restrict the key exchange

by certain "Group".

Knowing that NIST has planned to standardize quantum-safe cryptography
within 7 years of time

(which can and should be accelerated), and those algorithms cannot be
described in terms of "group",

the current terminology will due for a redesign by then. So I would suggest
to change the

"NamedGroup" now rather than later.

Overall, this will have the following impact

1. HelloRetryRequest

Change HelloRetryRequest structure to

struct {

ProtocolVersion server_version;

KeyExchangeMethod selected_kem;

Extension extensions<0..2^16-1>;

} HelloRetryRequest;

2. Negotiated Groups

Throughout, change "supported_groups" to "supported_kems"; change
"NamedGroupList" to
"KeyExchangeMethodList"; change "named_group_list" to "kem_list"; change
NamedGroup to


3. Key Share:

Change KeyShareEntry structure to

struct {

KeyExchangeMethod kem;

opaque key_exchange<1..2^16-1>;

} KeyShareEntry;


Thanks for your time.

Zhenfei Zhang
TLS mailing list

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