Hi Peter,

On 8/30/16, 5:41 AM, "Peter Gutmann" <pgut...@cs.auckland.ac.nz> wrote:

>David McGrew (mcgrew) <mcg...@cisco.com> writes:
>>See for instance slides 8 and 9 of Daniel Shumow's talk at NIST’s LWC
>>workshop last year:
>So looking at slide 6 from that, the first four systems he lists are desktop
>PCs (in all but form factor), it's only the last two that are down at the
>resource levels of IoT.  I'm not sure why he picked the Arduinos there because
>I wouldn't really consider them terribly representative of IoT devices, was it
>to get something that people are familiar with?  Even if you're wanting to
>restrict yourself to well-known complete systems I think at least an ESP8266
>(80Mhz SoC with 96K RAM, 64K flash, no multiply or divide by default) should
>get a mention.
>Slide 9 is even further removed from IoT practicality, that stuff may be fine
>on the PC-equivalents but won't work on real IoT gear.
>I'm currently working with some embedded systems guys to come up with a list
>of requirements for IoT crypto (as with the TLS-LTS stuff, various IP/legal
>issues means many contributors don't want to say anything in public), I'll
>post it to the list when we've finished arguing :-).

That’s great, facts leaven a debate.


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