Julien ÉLIE <jul...@trigofacile.com> writes:

>Considering that possible change, wouldn't it be useful to go on working on
>draft-gutmann-tls-lts-05, and consider TLS-LTS not as a TLS extension but as
>a real 1.3 version of the 1.x series?

If the current 2.0-called-1.3 is renamed to 2.0, I'd be open to calling LTS
"1.3", although I think it's more a 1.2.1 :-).  Its real goal though is to be
exactly what it says on the label, an LTS version of the TLS 1.x line that can
be used in devices with long lifecycles that are based on the 1.x family and
need a best-of-breed version of that.  So LTS would be the final, wrap-up
version of the 1.x line for people who need, well, an LTS version of the

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