On 23/09/16 11:46, Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos wrote:
> On Fri, 2016-09-23 at 09:05 +0100, Stephen Farrell wrote:
>> On 22/09/16 19:36, Yuhong Bao wrote:
>>> This also reminds me of https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?i
>>> d=1188657
>> Yuk. Prioritising the needs of those debugging networks
>> over the maybe 5-6 orders of magnitude more folks using
>> them is ass-backwards IMO. That result looks to me like
>> a very bad decision if I'm following it correctly.
> That's a very different concern than the one asked by BITS security,
> and is IMO a very valid one. Running any protocol under TLS wouldn't
> mean that debugging is very hard or impossible for the one running the
> protocol. Administrators debug and trace protocols every day to figure
> out failures (that's why we have advanced tools like wireshark). Making
> it hard for them to use these tools isn't increasing security; it is
> only making their life harder.

Sure. But their/our lives sometimes should be a bit harder
to make things safer for the vast bulk of people using the
networks/applications we're developing. As with everything,
there's a balance needed. In this case, I think the wrong
decision was reached.


> regards,
> Nikos

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