On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 3:03 PM, Martin Thomson <martin.thom...@gmail.com>

> This seems like too much text to me.  Maybe some people would
> appreciate the reminder that replay might cause side-effects to be
> triggered multiple times, or that side effects are just effects and
> those might also be observable.  But I think that those reminders
> could be provided far more succinctly.

My main goal is clarity, especially to application builders. In my
experience the implications of replay-ability are frequently overlooked and
it's well worth being abundantly clear.  For most builders, those full
implications have never occurred to them (why would they?), so it's often
not a reminder, but new knowledge. It warrants a big warning label, not
FUD, but honestly scary because it is a very hard problem.

But still, the text can most likely be shortened some, edits welcome.

> The bit that concerns me most is the recommendation to intentionally
> replay early data.  Given that I expect that a deployment that enables
> 0-RTT will tolerate some amount of side-effects globally, and that
> excessive 0-RTT will trigger DoS measures, all you are doing is
> removing some of the safety margin those services operate with

Can I break this into two parts then? First, do you agree that it would be
legitimate for a client, or an implementation (library), to deliberately
replay 0-RTT data? E.g. browsers and TLS libraries MAY implement this as a
safety mechanism, to enforce and audit the server's and application's
ability to handle the challenges of replay-ability correctly.

At a bare minimum I want to be free to include this in our implementation
of TLS, and in the clients that we use. I think there's value in explicitly
documenting this, and that the problem is squarely on the server side if it
is not replay-even-within-time-window-tolerant. Frankly: I want to be able
to point to the spec and it be clear whose fault it is.

Now second, consider a web service API that exists today and is using TLS.
Many such APIs depend entirely on TLS for all anti-replay protection
(though for the record, the SigV4 authentication mechanism we use at AWS
includes its own anti-replay measure). When TLS1.3 comes along it is *very*
tempting for providers to turn it on and use it for those APIs. Everyone
always wants everything to be faster, and it won't be a huge code change.
The problems of replay attacks could be dismissed as unlikely and left
unaddressed, as security issues often are.

So through a very predictable set of circumstances, I think those calls
will be left vulnerable to replay issues and TLS1.3 will absolutely degrade
security in these cases. What I'm suggesting is that we RECOMMEND a
systematic defense: clients and/or implementations should intentionally
generate duplicate data, so that the problem *has* to be addressed at least
in some measure by providers. I far prefer that they be forced to encounter
a low grade of errors early in their testing than to leave a large hole
looming for users to fall into.

This style of "Always always test the attack case in production" is also
just a good practice that keeps anti-bodies strong.

Thanks for reading and the feedback.

On 24 November 2016 at 04:47, Colm MacCárthaigh <c...@allcosts.net> wrote:
> >
> > I've submitted a PR with an expanded warning on the dangers of 0-RTT data
> > for implementors:
> >
> > https://github.com/tlswg/tls13-spec/pull/776/files
> >
> > The text is there, and the TLDR summary is basically that time-based
> > defenses aren't sufficient to mitigate idempotency bugs, so applications
> > need to be aware of the sharp edges and have a plan.  For clarity, I've
> > outlined three example security issues that could arise due to realistic
> and
> > straightforward, but naive, use of 0-RTT. There's been some light
> discussion
> > of each in person and on the list.
> >
> > In the PR I'm "MUST"ing that applications need to include /some/
> mitigation
> > for issues of this class (or else they are obviously insecure). In my
> > experience this class of issue is so pernicious, and easy to overlook,
> that
> > I'm also "RECOMMEND"ing that applications using Zero-RTT data
> > *intentionally* replay 0-RTT data non-deterministically, so as to keep
> > themselves honest.
> >
> > At a bare minimum I think it would be good to make clear that clients and
> > implementations MAY intentionally replay 0-RTT data; to keep servers on
> > their toes. For example a browser could infrequently tack on a dummy
> > connection with repeated 0-RTT data, or an implementation could
> periodically
> > spoof a 0-RTT section to the application. That should never be
> considered a
> > bug. but a feature. (And to be clear: I want to do this in our
> > implementation).
> >
> >
> > --
> > Colm
> >
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