I agree with David here. Specifically, I think.

- The base specification should continue to forbid certificates in
combination with PSK
- We should at some point contemplate an extension that allows the use of
certificates in combination with PSK
- The base spec should be factored in such a way as to make that extension


On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 8:24 AM, David Benjamin <david...@chromium.org>

> I think this is much clearer, except for one bullet point below:
> On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 10:22 AM Russ Housley <hous...@vigilsec.com> wrote:
>> [...]
>>   -  If PSK and (EC)DH are being used together, then the server will:
>>      --  sends a "pre_shared_key" extension to indicate the selected
>>          key;
>>      --  provide a "key_share" extension; and
>>      --  send the Certificate (Section 4.4.1) and CertificateVerify
>>          (Section 4.4.2) messages.
> This last bullet here contradicts what specification says elsewhere. From
> 4.4.1:
> """
> The server MUST send a Certificate message whenever the agreed-upon key
> exchange method uses certificates for authentication (this includes all key
> exchange methods defined in this document except PSK). This message conveys
> the endpoint’s certificate chain to the peer.
> """
> (Otherwise we defeat the point of resumption and lose PSK-based
> identities.)
> Like MT, I am interested in a mode with both (right now we have a ticket
> renewal cliff because only the initial handshake does an online signature),
> but we'll need to work out the exact semantics. Going from one identity to
> two identities, especially when one is added partway through the stream
> (consider 0-RTT) has a lot of sharp edges.
> Since this can easily be added as an extension (and would need one anyway
> for negotiation), I think it's better to do it as a later document, so we
> don't delay what we've done already or rush in a combined mode without
> considering all the details. The document would just say "when PSK and
> fancy_new_extension are both negotiated, then the server will [...]".
> Plenty of extensions have modified the handshake message flow.
> David
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