Why would the external PSK not just go into he PSK slot.


On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 9:16 AM, Russ Housley <hous...@vigilsec.com> wrote:

> > I agree with David here. Specifically, I think.
> >
> > - The base specification should continue to forbid certificates in
> combination with PSK
> > - We should at some point contemplate an extension that allows the use
> of certificates in combination with PSK
> > - The base spec should be factored in such a way as to make that
> extension easy.
> While I agree that we do not want to delay the TLS 1.3 specification to
> sort this out; however, I do not think we have provided the hook to make
> this future extension easy.   Looking at the key schedule in -19, I think
> we can provide the hook without being disruptive.  My goal is to minimize
> the pain to implementing the extension in the future by putting a
> straightforward hook in today:
>                  0
>                  |
>                  v
>    PSK ->  HKDF-Extract = Early Secret
>                  |
>                  +-----> Derive-Secret(.,
>                  |                     "external psk binder key" |
>                  |                     "resumption psk binder key",
>                  |                     "")
>                  |                     = binder_key
>                  |
>                  +-----> Derive-Secret(., "client early traffic secret",
>                  |                     ClientHello)
>                  |                     = client_early_traffic_secret
>                  |
>                  +-----> Derive-Secret(., "early exporter master secret",
>                  |                     ClientHello)
>                  |                     = early_exporter_secret
>                  v
>            Derive-Secret(., "derived secret", "")
>                  |
>                  v
> (EC)DHE -> HKDF-Extract = Handshake Secret
>                  |
>                  +-----> Derive-Secret(., "client handshake traffic
> secret",
>                  |                     ClientHello...ServerHello)
>                  |                     = client_handshake_traffic_secret
>                  |
>                  +-----> Derive-Secret(., "server handshake traffic
> secret",
>                  |                     ClientHello...ServerHello)
>                  |                     = server_handshake_traffic_secret
>                  v
>            Derive-Secret(., "derived secret", "")
>                  |
>                  v
> ExtPSK OR 0 -> HKDF-Extract = Master Secret
>                  |
>                  +-----> Derive-Secret(., "client application traffic
> secret",
>                  |                     ClientHello...Server Finished)
>                  |                     = client_traffic_secret_0
>                  |
>                  +-----> Derive-Secret(., "server application traffic
> secret",
>                  |                     ClientHello...Server Finished)
>                  |                     = server_traffic_secret_0
>                  |
>                  +-----> Derive-Secret(., "exporter master secret",
>                  |                     ClientHello...Server Finished)
>                  |                     = exporter_secret
>                  |
>                  +-----> Derive-Secret(., "resumption master secret",
>                                        ClientHello...Client Finished)
>                                        = resumption_master_secret
> The only change is "ExtPSK OR 0” in the HKDF-Extract for the Master Secret
> computation.
> The Section 4.1.1 can call out this place for the future specification:
> OLD:
>    -  When authenticating via a certificate, the server will send the
>       Certificate (Section 4.4.2) and CertificateVerify (Section 4.4.3)
>       messages.  In TLS 1.3 as defined by this document, either a PSK or
>       a certificate is always used, but not both.  Future documents may
>       define how to use them together.
> NEW:
>    -  When authenticating via a certificate, the server will send the
>       Certificate (Section 4.4.2) and CertificateVerify (Section 4.4.3)
>       messages.  In TLS 1.3 as defined by this document, either a PSK or
>       a certificate is always used, but not both.  So, the ExtPSK is not
>       used in the key schedule (Section 7.1).  Future documents may
>       define how to use them together and tell how the ExtPSK is
>       handled in the key schedule.
> Russ
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