Thanks.  I agree.  I think that the existing text is more helpful to the 
implementer.  If the details of the analysis do in the document, it should be 
in the security considerations.


> On Mar 9, 2017, at 9:18 PM, Sean Turner <> wrote:
> After many emails about the wording for s5.5 Limits on Key Usage, it’s time 
> to judge consensus on whether or not to make any changes to that section.  
> The important thing is that the SHOULD implement the key update from s4.5.3 
> was never in question.  There was no consensus to change the actual GCM 
> limits on key usage; again the text related to ChaCha20/Poly1305 never really 
> was in question.  The discussion has wound down to whether it was better to 
> count records or bytes/blocks for the GCM limit calculation.  We didn’t see 
> any strong consensus to change this description.  Therefore, we see no 
> consensus to change the text in s5.5.  ekr please close PR#765 and PR#769.
> J&S
>> On Feb 10, 2017, at 12:07 AM, Sean Turner <> wrote:
>> All,
>> We’ve got two outstanding PRs that propose changes to draft-ietf-tls-tls13 
>> Section 5.5 “Limits on Key Usage”.  As it relates to rekeying, these limits 
>> have been discussed a couple of times and we need to resolve once and for 
>> all whether the TLS WG wants to:
>> a) Close these two PRs and go with the existing text [0]
>> b) Adopt PR#765 [1]
>> c) Adopt PR#769 [2]
>> Please indicate you preference to the TLS mailing list before Feb 17.  Note 
>> that unless there’s clear consensus to change the text will remain as is 
>> (i.e., option a).
>> J&S
>> [0]
>> [1]
>> [2]

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