Ilari Liusvaara wrote:
>On Wed, Jun 07, 2017 at 05:38:59AM +0000, Raja ashok wrote:
>> Hi Victor & Alessandro,
>> I have gone through the draft and I am having a doubt. 
>>>   The extension only affects the Certificate message from the server.
>>>   It does not change the format of the Certificate message sent by the
>>>   client.
>> This draft provides a mechanism to compress only the server certificate
>> message, not the client certificate message. I feel client authentication
>> is not performed in HTTPS of web application. But in all other applications
>> (eg. Wireless sensor network) certificate based client authentication is
>> more important. 
>> So I suggest we should consider compression on client certificate message
>> also.
> Doing client certificate compression would add some complexity, because
> the compression indication currently needs to be external to certificates,
> and there is no place to stick such indication for client certificate.

A TLS extension could do this indication just fine.

ASN.1 DER encoded X.509v3 certificates all have the same first 12 bits.

0x30 0x8*

So sending an indication inband should also be possible.
But a negotiated TLS extension (proposed by client in ClientHello,
confirmed by server in ServerHello) could also change the Certificate PDU
to provide room for a seperate indicator.


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