On Wednesday, June 07, 2017 07:03:55 am Piotr Sikora wrote:
> > Additionally, there's one bit of the spec which I question the need for: 
> > zlib support. Unless someone can show a legitimate case where zlib will 
> > consistently and notably outperform brotli, I don't see the point in 
> > defining it as an option. This is a bran new extension; we don't need 
> > backwards compatibility here. There's been a general consensus in this WG 
> > to avoid algorithm agility unless there's a real reason for it, so I 
> > propose we ditch zlib support and make brotli the default and only 
> > specified at the start (promoting it to id 0). Should some problem arise in 
> > the future where we actually need to use a decades old compression 
> > algorithm, it can be added later. Furthermore, we should probably define a 
> > pre-defined dictionary for brotli to use here which is based on common 
> > strings in certificates, rather than its default one for the general web 
> > (if such a thing is practical to do here). This could boost efficiency here 
> > and make it even more worth preferring (also likely reducing t
 he size of said dictionary, as the default one is 120kB).
> To play devil's advocate, why do suggest we ditch zlib and not Brotli?
> I just did an experiment using certificate chains for facebook.com
> (ECDSA) and google.com (RSA).
> As you can see, at level 1, Brotli is easily outperformed by gzip with
> and without dictionary, at level 6, both are basically the same, and
> at level 9/Z, Brotli wins by a small margin in terms of file size.
> However, you need to keep in mind that Brotli has significantly higher
> cost of compression, both in terms of CPU and memory allocations
> (>40MB at higher levels), which might be unacceptable in some
> environments.
> Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of Brotli, but unless we want to
> squeeze every single byte out of the compression and/or use
> pre-compressed certificates, then maybe Brotli isn't the best and only
> choice here?

This is a convincing argument to me. Thanks for the data. Given this 
information, I agree that supporting both algorithms can be helpful here, 
depending on server hardware constraints.

I'm still curious to know if we can potentially create a lightweight 
cert-specific dictionary here that can boost things a bit. Or, is the QUIC one 
largely based on certs too?

As to your devil's advocate suggestion: ... yeah, if Brotli doesn't give us any 
useful gains here over zlib, even with a new dict, I'd be ok with not 
specifying it for use. Your test does show it getting a small win at max 
compression, so that may not be the case. After fiddling with defining a new 
dict, test data against a larger set of certs could be useful.


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