> On 23 Jun 2017, at 5:10, Timothy Jackson <tjack...@mobileiron.com> wrote:
> +1 and a preference for MUST, just so people understand the importance.
> Since we're agreed that 0-RTT data and 1-RTT data have (almost) the same 
> security properties once the handshake completes, it seems to me, unless I've 
> missed something, that a lot of protocols will accept 0-RTT but withhold the 
> response until after the handshake completes. I expect this massively 
> simplifies the analysis the for the app developers.
> Clientdata = readData()
> Reply = CreateReply(client data); //time intensive operation (e.g. Database, 
> CDN cache lookup)
> While(!clientFinished())
> Wait(); //do nothing until 1-RTT finished
> Send(reply)

This assumes that CreateReply() has no side effects. It’s valid as long as all 
actions done by the server in response to the client data is getting stuff from 
a database.

> This has the benefit of allowing slow lookups/processing to happen against 
> 0-RTT, while delaying the "risky actions" until after 1-RTT. If I'm not 
> mistaken, it would also make timing attacks harder since any cache misses 
> would be at least partly masked by the time required for the 1-RTT handshake.
> Dual streams seems to just add complexity here. What I really care about as a 
> developer is whether I can fully trust the 0-RTT data, which is determined by 
> whether the handshake is finished.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> --
> Tim Jackson
> Senior Product Security Architect, MobileIron Inc.
> From: "Martin Thomson" <martin.thom...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:martin.thom...@gmail.com>>
> Date: Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 5:16:29 PM
> To: "David Benjamin" <david...@chromium.org <mailto:david...@chromium.org>>
> Cc: "tls@ietf.org" <tls@ietf.org <mailto:tls@ietf.org>>
> Subject: Re: [TLS] Separate APIs for 0-RTT
> On 15 June 2017 at 08:23, David Benjamin <david...@chromium.org> wrote:
> > When accepting 0-RTT as a server, a TLS implementation SHOULD/MUST provide a
> > way for the application to determine if the client Finished has been
> > processed.
> I'm going to throw my support behind this distinction.  Though I would
> phrase this more simply as "the handshake is complete".
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