On Jul 15, 2017, at 15:07, Ted Lemon 
<mel...@fugue.com<mailto:mel...@fugue.com>> wrote:

I think that your first and third points are actually non-sequiturs: the 
unencrypted stream is available to the entities controlling either endpoint, 
not just the log.

This assertion is both incorrect & incomplete in its scope.

There is no technical reason that in-flight capture is required to address 
those two points.

This assertion is factually incorrect.  There are quite frequently reasons to 
have both visibility & the ability to intercede into the traffic in question at 
one or more specific points in the network topology *between* endpoints.

This is network security & troubleshooting 101.

  Did I paraphrase that correctly?

No - the attempt to denigrate & dismiss real-world technical operational 
requirements is invalid, as is the dismissal of the administrative context of 
actual network operators in the real world.

The three points I made are independent of one another, & can be validated by 
anyone with a moderate degree of operational experience on production networks.

Roland Dobbins <rdobb...@arbor.net<mailto:rdobb...@arbor.net>>
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