
On 21/02/2020 22:28, Watson Ladd wrote:
> How do these characteristics affect the proposal in the draft? 

I don't know. There are 17 of them. I'm not spending the
time on this myself 'till there are a small number of
winners. Speculating though, NIST often end up with a load
of variants - if they do that again variant#1 of winner#1
might be usable with variant#2 of that same alg being no
good at all. So I could see the definition of code points
being wrong if done prematurely. (I remember the NULL
algorithm parameter non-interop for RSA way back when and
that was after the ASN.1 had existed for some time;-) I'd
bet there'll be other issues discovered along the way as

> And I
> doubt given the relevant timelines we would finish before NIST is done
> in any case.

Great. In that case you must find my position fine, no? :-)

All I'm asking is that we adopt with the explicit
understanding that the WG don't request publication until
the NIST winners are known. That is a weird ask, but I
think justified in this case. The "Winner all right" call
there can be left to the WG chairs - I'm not asking to
wait for the final FIPS or whatever else NIST do to add
another year or so to the endgame;-)


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