Hi Hugo,


Some curious molehill questions. Please take with a grain of salt.


In short, does HKDF-Extract suffer from related-salt and repeated-IKM?


To elaborate:


Phillip raises a good point below about HMAC suffering from key-extension (by 
zero bytes).  You are right that this is not a MAC attack, the main intended 
use of HMAC, but now the scope of HMAC has expanded to non-MAC purposes.   


Surely HMAC has good PRF properties, so non-MAC applications make sense.  For 
what little it’s worth, I had just presumed that HKDF always used HMAC with the 
a strong secret key, like a good PRF should.  (I failed to verify this, though.)


But Phillip seems to want to use structured HMAC keys (i.e. not uniformly 
distributed keys), specifically the salts in HKDF-Extract, I presume.  Under my 
presumption, this would not be best practice (using structure or related keys).


So, I went to the HKDF RFC, basically expecting to find this clearly 
disallowed.  Re-reading the RFC, it was unclear to me what kind of salt was 
allowed. (The eprint might be clearer, but it is longer to find this needle.) 
Would it (dis)allow the structured salts Phillip described? 


Then, I saw a phrase in the HKDF RFC that salts were unlike IKM, because they 
could be re-used.  I inferred that IKM was not to be re-used.  If so, related 
salts should cause no problem for extraction, because a different IKM would 
always be used.  But might IKM be re-used?  For example, the rare event that 
TLS client and server both re-use their ECDHE keys.  So, I went to look at TLS 


In TLS 1.3, HKDF-Extract is used with both structured salts (e.g. 0), and 
structured IKMs (e.g. 0).  In the end, all is fine, because at least one of the 
salt or IKM has lots of entropy, and there were no related salts.  (The case 
HKDF-Extract(0,0) is mentioned in TLS 1.3, but very clearly that this case does 
not provide security.)  I presume TLS 1.3 designers were adhering to the 
intended use of HKDF-Extract.  


To summarize, related-salt + repeated-IKM in HKDF-Extract might lead to 
repeated PRK, right? This could be bad if PRK used in HKDF-Expand to create two 
identical stream cipher keys.  If two identical authentication keys, perhaps an 
unexpected replay attack might apply?  Are these a concern?  Is TLS 1.3 fine, 
mainly because HKDF was used correctly?  Are these related-salts really 
realistic: would an implementer do this? Do you think better implementer 
guidance is needed to prevent this type of accident?  


Best regards,






The HKDF RFC clearly excludes an adversary causing related salts, so that’s 


I really like both defense in depth and provable security, but I would also 
like it to be clear that is the main motivation for HKDF in key derivation..  
To wit, HMAC itself internally derives two closely-related keys using XOR ipad 
and XOR opad.   You have proved this turns out fine, despite the relatedness of 
the two keys, because the robust property of hash function.  My point here, is 
if we assumed the derived keys are used in robust algorithms, e.g. AES-GCM, 
could they tolerate simpler ways of deriving keys, i.e. XORing a key with a 
non-random separation string?  To repeat, I am totally fine to use robust key 
derivation, like HKDF, but I would want the reason to be clear.  E.g. TLS 1.3 
handshake uses HKDF as hedge against possible related-key attacks on the 
symmetric-key crypto in the record layer, or for better or simpler security 
proofs (e.g. compared to past key derivation methods).


As many know, hashes were, once upon a time, only used for message digests in 
signatures. Message-extension in hashes did not result in signature forgery.   
But then people naturally wanted to use hashes (as a “utility function” in 
Phillip’s terms) for a MAC.  But hashes with message extension suffer from MAC 
forgery. Along came HMAC to the rescue, saving the day, and the rest is 
history.  (To exaggerate: it is, on a minute scale, repeating;)



From: TLS <tls-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Phillip Hallam-Baker
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 1:49 AM
To: Hugo Krawczyk <h...@ee.technion.ac.il>
Cc: Dang, Quynh H. (Fed) <quynh.dang=40nist....@dmarc.ietf.org>; c...@ietf.org; 
tls@ietf.org; Salz, Rich <rsalz=40akamai....@dmarc.ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [TLS] [Cfrg] NIST crypto group and HKDF (and therefore TLS 1.3)




On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 4:36 PM Hugo Krawczyk <h...@ee.technion.ac.il 
<mailto:h...@ee.technion.ac.il> > wrote:

There is no flaw if you use HMAC and HKDF as intended. See details below.


One time pads aren't flawed if you use them right. When they become a two time 
pad, there is a problem.


My point is that if we are developing schemes that are supposed to be used as 
utility building blocks, we need to consider all the ways they might be used 
and not just limit ourselves to the ones we expect. That was the argument made 
for defining authenticated encryption modes, it holds here as well.


The bottom line advise is: If you are using related (not random) salt values in 
HKDF, you are probably using it with  domain separation functionality. In HKDF, 
domain separation is enforced via the info field not the salt. Read the HKDF 
RFC and paper for background and rationale.


I am already using the info field for domain separation. I use info to generate 
separate keys for encryption, authentication, any IVs etc. by concatenating the 
IANA protocol name and the encryption function. So I don't want to put any more 
in there.


It is easy enough to fix if you are aware of it. I noticed the issue while I 
was implementing HMAC by hand. But the person who is using the function using a 
library call (i.e. myself five years from now) might not be aware.


Saying 'read my paper' really isn't an argument. I know the design rationale. I 
am saying it is the wrong one for the future. And regardless, I don't see 
mention of the issue in section 4.2 of the paper you cite nor is there mention 
of the issue in RFC 2104.


If I have to go hunting to find security issues with a standard, that is a 
problem in itself.



BTW, the reason it came up with DARE was an attempt to address the problem of 
'encrypting the subject header' and other metadata separately from the content 
data. But under the same key. Bearing in mind that we want to be able to 
encrypt multiple data items under a single key exchange.


So starting from the result of the key agreement, I add in a per envelope salt 
which is typically 128 bits. That allows for erasure of the message by 
overwriting the salt value. The main data content is encrypted under a KDF with 
the IKM and envelope salt. If additional encrypted data sequences are required, 
they are encrypted under the IKM, salt and an additional counter.


Now I can fix my designs, but others won't. Considering the EDS counter to be 
an extension to the key led to the unexpected result that the EDS and content 
were encrypted with the same key. Now, it is arguably better considered to be a 
part of the salt which is where I think the current code is (have to check). 
But my general point stands, this should be a utility function but the Feb 1997 
spec does not meet our standards today.





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