Illari wrote:

Should there be "SHOULD NOT reuse key shares between client hellos"?
I did't find such requirement (or maybe it is there but I just missed
it), which I think is odd, given that there is similar requirement for
tickets, and reusing key shares has similar impact as reusing tickets.

Such reuse is especially bad if SNI differs, or if the group is not
actually safe for key reuse.

(In case of hybrid key exchanges, implementations might reuse shares
within the same client hello. E.g., reusing the same X25519 key both
for x25519 and x25519+kyber768.)

I also thought about this when reading the text about tickets and created an 
issue, then I found this. I am surprised that this did not get any responses on 
the list. This is quite a big issue. I really hope that HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 
implementations are not doing this.

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