This issue, packet number encryption versus hardware acceleration, was discussed in quite some depth during the standardization process. The current design was adopted with full knowledge that hardware acceleration will require some harder work than if numbers were in clear text.

Boris, you may try to propose an extension or a new version that changes this specification, but such changes will have to be negotiated and agreed by the client and server for each connection. Very likely, a significant number of these clients and servers are going to reject the extension. So, even if you do define this extension, your hardware will still have to support the existing specification to talk to this unmodified clients or servers.

-- Christian Huitema

On 2/10/2023 12:21 AM, Boris Pismenny wrote:
Hi Mikkel.

On Thu, Feb 9, 2023 at 8:21 PM Mikkel Fahnøe Jørgensen < <>> wrote:

    QUIC does allow for creating a custom version of the protocol but it
    should be registered  with IANA. It is also possible to use
    unregistered version numbers for test purposes in closed
    environments, but tis hardly the case for released hardware.
    Weakening the security of official protocol versions through
    negotiation is likely not a good idea.

Thanks for the information. I didn't know it was possible to register custom versions of QUIC/DTLS. Are there any examples of that? What would be the process of proposing one?

In any case, it seems a bit extreme to create a custom/new version just to add an option to negotiate slightly different header formatting. For example, DTLS1.2 connection IDs, which are a far more drastic change in my opinion, extend the DTLS header format without a new version.

    As to latency of hardware encryption:

    I’m not sure what unique pipeline stage means, but clearly some
    special attention is required for the header.

By 'unique pipeline stage', I mean to describe a dedicated piece of logic in silicon dedicated for PNE. Hardware typically consists of a sequence of logical stages manipulating data in sequence. Dedicated logic in silicon costs money, and adds some latency.

    Assuming we limit the discussion to AES encryption with block size
    64, PNE works by sampling somewhere within the first AES block.
    We can assume there is enough data to sample because otherwise the
    packet is invalid so any random padding will do.

    You can precompute the AES encryption of the first block by
    encrypting zeroes so you have that encryption data before the packet
    data arrives - you should do that anyway
    for maximum throughput unless you are seriously constrained for memory.

This optimization improves things, but we've taken that into consideration and the argument still holds. Putting dedicated hardware for header protection exclusively is a tradeoff between performance and cost vs. security, and  arguably important tradeoffs should be negotiable.

    Potentially you can also precompute the packet number length and
    even the packet number itself, at least optimistically.
    Once the data arrives, you can immediately retrieve the plain text
    data segment of the first block - and sample the data needed for PNE
    encryption without delaying the encryption pipeline.
    Now you have the AES block and the clear text mask data, and you
    just need to XOR onto the packet being encrypted. You may need to
    double encrypt the packet number : both with the mask
    and with its AES block at its own location such that you can XOR it
    into place once the encryption stage signals the block is available.
    This will undo that packet number encryption by the
    encryption stage and apply the packet number encryption as intended.

    On caveat is that I do not remember how this affects the signature
    at the end of the packet, but I assume it does not include the
    encrypted version of the packet number, otherwise
    that would complicate things.

    This will not necessarily work for encryption schemes that do not
    rely on XOR for encryption, but you can limit negotiation to schemes
    that have hardware support without changing protocol version.

Since DTLS1.3 supports only the AES encryption option, it seems like the most common option to tackle.

    As I recall, header encryption was a really hard nut to crack
    because any trivial encryption was either too weak or too complicated.

Indeed I see no method of efficiency header protection while keeping the current format and size of the header. For instance, one could conceivably use another number for PNE, but that seems wasteful.


    On 8 Feb 2023, at 09.25, Boris Pismenny <
    <>> wrote:


    I work on NIC hardware acceleration for NVIDIA, and we are looking
    into QUIC and DTLS1.3 acceleration. QUIC and DTLS employ packet
    number encryption (PNE) which increases security. At the same
    time, PNE significantly encumbers hardware acceleration as I’ll
    explain next.

    For hardware to encrypt the packet numbers, there are two options:

        Feed the header back into the encryption machine after data
        has been encrypted. This means storing and forwarding data,
        higher implementation complexity, and greater bandwidth
        requirements on the single encryption machine.

        Adding an additional uniquepipeline stage dedicated for header

    As you may already know, this is not hardware friendly and for
    this reason many vendors will likely refuse to pay the cost of
    supporting this. But suppose a vendor does implement this feature,
    one problem still remains. PNE will still cause noticeable latency
    and performance degradation for high speed networks (think >400Gbps).

    Now, in certain use-cases, such as high performance computing,
    cloud computing, or data-center clusters—the security benefits of
    encrypting headers are marginal compared to the latency imposed by
    PNE. Would it be possible to consider letting these users
    negotiate to disable PNE and by doing so benefit (more) from
    encryption acceleration?

    Best regards,


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