Arnaud Taddei writes:

>This is why I asked the question whether there would be volunteers to design
>a ‘survey’ approach.
>This could bring data points from the broader community that could help guide
>this particular area of the work.

I don't think the problem is volunteers, it's getting anyone to go on record,
or even off-the-record, about it.  For (say) SCADA stuff you're talking to
embedded systems and networking engineers deep down in the internals of large
corporations/organisations who can't speak publicly about anything, and I
doubt anyone higher up who can go on the record is going to bother making a
statement about their TLS migration policy.  Even getting a boring and very
sanitised tech report on something published can take so much paperwork that
it's sometimes easier to drop co-authors than to try and get approval to have
their names added.  This is why the stuff I post here is often anecdotal and
quite redacted, or done off-list, because it's too much of a headache to go
through the paperwork to say anything publicly.

Having said that, if someone can figure out a way to get the data out, it'd be
great to have it available.


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