Hi Peter.


Yeah, I get that; this is an optimization of the generic around the properties 
of ML-KEM.


My thinking-out-loud here is twofold:


1. Let’s avoid the situation where we have both X-Wing and 
generic-combiner-mlkem-x25519 floating around IETF protocols. I’m basically 
suggesting to put language in the generic combiner draft to say “If one of your 
KEMs is ML-KEM, then the follow optimization SHOULD be used”.


2. I’m on board with Bas, Deirdre, and Peter that X-Wing (ML-KEM-768 + X25519) 
satisfies a large number of majority usecases, and having it as a standalone 
document allows it to move ahead of the generics debate. HOWEVER, we will 
eventually need specifications for some fuller subset of {ML-KEM-512, 
ML-KEM-768, ML-KEM-1024} X {X25519, X448, P-256, P-384, Brainpool-P-256, 
Brainpool-P-384, RSA}, which can all also presumably benefit from the ML-KEM 
specific optimizations, so does that mean we’ll have a whole Rogue Squadron of 
drafts: A-Wing, B-Wing, Y-Wing? Or should the ML-KEM optimizations be 
considered in the generics draft?


Again, just thinking out loud here in front of the community.



Mike Ounsworth


From: Peter C <Peter.C=40ncsc.gov...@dmarc.ietf.org> 
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 9:38 AM
To: Mike Ounsworth <mike.ounswo...@entrust.com>; Bas Westerbaan 
Cc: IRTF CFRG <c...@irtf.org>; <tls@ietf.org> <tls@ietf.org>; k...@cupdev.net
Subject: RE: [CFRG] [EXTERNAL] X-Wing: the go-to PQ/T hybrid KEM?


Mike, X-Wing is not a profile of the generic construction. Dropping the ML-KEM 
ciphertext changes the security assumptions you need to make. If X25519 is 
secure then, in the generic construction, ML-KEM doesn’t need to satisfy any 



X-Wing is not a profile of the generic construction.  Dropping the ML-KEM 
ciphertext changes the security assumptions you need to make.  If X25519 is 
secure then, in the generic construction, ML-KEM doesn’t need to satisfy any 
security properties at all for the hybrid to be secure.  In X-Wing, it still 
needs to be ciphertext collision resistant.  The X-Wing paper 
 ) argues this holds for ML-KEM – or any similar KEM – but that depends on 
decapsulation functioning correctly.




From: CFRG <cfrg-boun...@irtf.org <mailto:cfrg-boun...@irtf.org> > On Behalf Of 
Mike Ounsworth
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 2:57 PM
To: Bas Westerbaan <bas=40cloudflare....@dmarc.ietf.org 
<mailto:bas=40cloudflare....@dmarc.ietf.org> >
Cc: IRTF CFRG <c...@irtf.org <mailto:c...@irtf.org> >; <tls@ietf.org 
<mailto:tls@ietf.org> > <tls@ietf.org <mailto:tls@ietf.org> >; k...@cupdev.net 
Subject: Re: [CFRG] [EXTERNAL] X-Wing: the go-to PQ/T hybrid KEM?


Right. I’m just thinking out loud here.


If the Generic is


KDF(counter || KEM1_ct || KEM1_ss || KEM2_ct  || KEM2_ss || fixedInfo)


And X-Wing is:


SHA3-256( “\.//^\” || ML-KEM_ss || X25519_ss || X25519_ct || X25519_pk )


It looks pretty close to me; you’ve dropped the ML-KEM CT, added the X25519 
recipient public key, and moved the fixedInfo from the end to the beginning.


The question is: is that close enough to be considered a profile? Do we want to 
adapt the Generic so that X-Wing is properly a profile? Binding to the ECC 
public keys is probably not a bad idea in general. Certainly it would make no 
sense for some IETF protocols to use X-Wing while others use the ML-KEM + 
X25519 instantiation of the generic. I think I’m convincing myself that the 
Generic should be adjusted so that X-Wing is the obvious instantiation for 
ML-KEM + X25519.


Aside: do you have an opinion about fixedInfo as a prefix vs a suffix? We chose 
suffix simply because it more obviously aligns with SP 800-56Cr2, and we’ve all 
had the experience of FIPS labs being picky about things like that.



Mike Ounsworth


From: Bas Westerbaan <bas=40cloudflare....@dmarc.ietf.org 
<mailto:bas=40cloudflare....@dmarc.ietf.org> > 
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 7:07 AM
To: Mike Ounsworth <mike.ounswo...@entrust.com 
<mailto:mike.ounswo...@entrust.com> >
Cc: IRTF CFRG <c...@irtf.org <mailto:c...@irtf.org> >; <tls@ietf.org 
<mailto:tls@ietf.org> > <tls@ietf.org <mailto:tls@ietf.org> >; Deirdre Connolly 
<durumcrustu...@gmail.com <mailto:durumcrustu...@gmail.com> >; k...@cupdev.net 
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] [CFRG] X-Wing: the go-to PQ/T hybrid KEM?


Speaking for myself (not for my co-authors), this feels like friendly, 
complementary work to draft-ounsworth-cfrg-kem-combiners; I agree. We could 
consider adding a section with concrete instantiations, and the first one would 
be X-Wing 😊 (followed 



Speaking for myself (not for my co-authors), this feels like friendly, 
complementary work to draft-ounsworth-cfrg-kem-combiners;


I agree.


We could consider adding a section with concrete instantiations, and the first 
one would be X-Wing 😊 (followed by ML-KEM + P-256, Brainpool, and RSA variants).


I guess that leads to the following question:  
<mailto:bas=40cloudflare....@dmarc.ietf.org> @Bas Westerbaan,  
<mailto:durumcrustu...@gmail.com> @Deirdre Connolly, Peter, would you be open 
to merging X-Wing into the generic combiner draft, or is there value in it 
being standalone?


X-Wing explicitly trades genericity for simplicity. We will not get such a 
simple and efficient construction if it is the instantiation of an easy-to-use 
generic construction.








Mike Ounsworth


From: CFRG < <mailto:cfrg-boun...@irtf.org> cfrg-boun...@irtf.org> On Behalf Of 
Bas Westerbaan
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2024 2:14 PM
To: IRTF CFRG < <mailto:c...@irtf.org> c...@irtf.org>; < <mailto:tls@ietf.org> 
tls@ietf.org> < <mailto:tls@ietf.org> tls@ietf.org>
Cc:  <mailto:k...@cupdev.net> k...@cupdev.net
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [CFRG] X-Wing: the go-to PQ/T hybrid KEM?


Dear tls and cfrg working groups, With ML-KEM (née Kyber) expected to be 
finalized this year, it’s time to revisit the question of which PQ/T hybrid 
KEMs to standardize, and which to recommend. # Status quo For TLS at the time 
of writing there 

Dear tls and cfrg working groups,

With ML-KEM (née Kyber) expected to be finalized this year, it’s time to 
revisit the question of which PQ/T hybrid KEMs to standardize, and which to 

# Status quo

For TLS at the time of writing there are two PQ/T hybrids registered: 
X25519Kyber768 [1] and P256Kyber768 [2]. The former has been deployed widely 
[3]. Both are instances of the hybrid-design draft [4], which use the simple 
combiner ss_ECC || ss_Kyber, which is suitable for TLS, but not for other 
applications such as HPKE, as it’s not IND-CCA2 robust [5].

For HPKE, there is a different KEM called X25519Kyber768 [6], which uses a 
different combiner that mixes in the X25519 ephemeral key, by using HPKE’s 
DHKEM construction instead of raw X25519.

There is also the ounsworth-kem-combiners I-D [7] that informed by [5] proposes 
the generic combiner

  KDF( counter || ct1 || ss1 || ct2 || ss2 || fixedInfo, outputBits )

>From a security standpoint that would be suitable for HPKE and TLS. To TLS it 
>is somewhat unattractive as it requires hashing the typically large PQ 
>ciphertexts, and adds some extra hashing in the conversion of the ECDH into a 
>KEM. On the other hand, for TLS it would be nice to have a KEM that is also 
>suitable for HPKE, as HPKE is used in ECH.

>From a usability perspective, ounsworth-kem-combiners requires the user to 
>make several choices: which KEMs and in particular which method to use to turn 
>ECDH into a KEM, which security levels, which KDF, etc.

# The proposal: X-Wing

Let us introduce X-Wing [0]. The goal of X-Wing is to be *the* go-to PQ/T 
hybrid KEM for the majority of use cases (including TLS and HPKE): no need to 
make choices, or understand the subtleties.

X-Wing aims for 128-bit security, and for that combines the time-tested X25519 
with ML-KEM-768 [8]. X-Wing uses the combiner

  SHA3-256( xwing-label || ss_ML-KEM || ss_X25519 || ct_X25519 || pk_X25519 )

Here ss_X25519 is the plain X25519 shared secret; ct_X25519 is the ephemeral 
public key; xwing-label a 6-byte label. Note that it doesn’t hash in the ML-KEM 
ciphertext. For a generic KEM one cannot leave out the ciphertext, but in the 
case of ML-KEM we can, assuming we can model SHA3/SHAKE as a random oracle. 
This is proven in [0]. The gist is that FO transform in ML-KEM makes it 
“ciphertext collision resistant”: even if the underlying lattice problem is 
broken, it’s infeasible to create from one ciphertext another different 
ciphertext with the same shared secret.

# Not final

We would love to hear your input: X-Wing is not final. For one, ML-KEM itself 
might still change (presumably only in minor ways) before final 
standardization. We think the CFRG would be a good venue to standardize X-Wing 
— do you concur?


Bas, Deirdre, Karolin, Manuel, Peter

PS. We want to mention explicitly that we see value in the kem-combiners and 
hybrid-design drafts as generic safe methods to construct hybrids for those use 
cases where X-Wing would not suffice.

[0] Spec:  
[1] Full name X25519Kyber768Draft00.  
[2] Full name SecP256r1Kyber768Draft00.  
[8] Following earlier deployment of X25519Kyber768, despite targeting 128 bits, 
we use ML-KEM-768 instead of ML-KEM-512 to hedge against advances in lattice 

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