



There are two ways to design a system. One is to make it so simple there are 
obviously no deficiencies.

The other is to make it so complex there are no obvious deficiencies.

                                                     -  C. A. R. Hoare

>nnerEndI very much appreciate having a concrete hybrid scheme that is 
>intentionally not generic.


Totally agree.


> This avoids the explosion of ciphertext suites that would otherwise occur, 
> and allows for better compatibility of libraries.

>  Fixing the key sizes to ML-KEM 768 and X25519 is aligned with our preferred 
> choices as well, and further increases interoperability.




Except that I want also an option with ML-KEM 1024.




On Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 9:31 AM Salz, Rich <rsalz=40akamai....@dmarc.ietf.org> 

I'm going to echo Bas to highlight that X-Wing is not generic to any IND-CCA 
KEM, it is a particular primitive construction based on the internal 
construction of ML-KEM in particular: 


I don’t think it’s our place to try to shoe-horn everything into one construct. 
 Particularly when we are in the experimentation phase of things.


If people want to have ML-KEM as a material in their composites, it sounds like 
they might want to learn from X-Wing, but not try to chop them to fit into that 
one keyhole, as it were.


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Sophie Schmieg | Information Security Engineer | ISE Crypto | 


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