On 3/14/24 00:45, Eric Rescorla wrote:
There are two questions here:

1. What the specification says
2. What implementations choose to do within the envelope of that specification.

The specification needs to prescribe a set of behaviors that promote interoperability, which means that whatever it tells the client to do must be compatible with what it tells servers to do. Presently, the specification tells clients to put whatever is in ECHConfig.public_name in ClientHelloOuter.sni (S 6.1) and tells the server that it may check and reject it otherwise (S 7.1).

So, if I understand correctly, for my domain "abc.com", I could purposely choose to have my ECHConfig public_name be "google.com", and configure my server to handle it (or ignore the SNI in outer client hello altogether), and a client SHOULD NOT try and cancel the ECH attempt on seeing that the public_name in ECHConfig does not match the host the user is attempting to connect to?

I guess this makes sense, since in the Cloudflare case, every ECHConfig advertises public_name as "cloudflare-ech.com", and the user is obviously connecting to a different website. In this case I guess it isn't as bad, since as a server operator I _could_ choose to just piggyback on the public_name of some popular CDN, even though I am not using it, to "hide" my real SNI / domain. I think this is a feasible workaround.


Raghu Saxena

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