The e-mail account I'm using right now to send this message is my primary account. I also have an account with my college. I get some regular e-mail to that account, some spam, and most on-campus e-mail from other college accounts.

I decided I have two ways to battle the spam on that account. I can 1) set up TMDA for my user only, manage a 2nd whitelist, and keep getting some regular mail to that account. Or 2) forward all non-college e-mail to my primary account and let my existing TMDA system handle it. This would defeat the spam, keep my whitelist to a single file on my personal server, and keep my college account to only college-related e-mail.

I chose #2. I set up my procmailrc file on my college account to forward all non-college e-mail to my primary account. The e-mail is being sent out properly, but TMDA is not catching any of the e-mail forwarded. At first I didn't know why. But now, after checking my TMDA incoming log, I notice that the Sndr of all the mail is from my college account--an account which is whitelisted.

So, what are my options? Can I forge the Sndr using procmail so that TMDA filters it properly? Or is there a way to have TMDA ignore the Sndr if it's my college account? I'd like to keep my college account whitelisted.

Please, any suggestions would be helpful.

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