On Tue, 10 Jan 2006, Administrator wrote:

> On 1/10/06 4:31 PM, "Bob Keyes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First, register for SpamCop as a system administrator.  Sign up for alerts
> on spam reported or trapped from your IP addresses/netblock.  This will help
> queue you in as to the *when* its happening.  Once you know when, then you
> can figure it out logically.  Their reports are hour-by-hour, so the best
> you'll do is limit it to an hour or two.

Considering the huge about of spam that hits here (about one per second) I
wonder if that's going to work too well.

> If your server is heavily trafficked, then you'll need an intern or other
> lackey to parse through the logs.  If not, then it shouldn't be too painful.
> Just tedious.

No lackeys are available. Damn, I should start charging people time or
money for accounts.

> >
> > I am starting to agree with you about the non-maintainability of qmail.
> > In the past I have dismissed postfix because of the attitude of its author
> > towards my reported security problems many years ago. Perhaps it is time
> > to see if the problem has been fixed, and if so, bury my pride and
> > reconsider postfix.
> Yes, Wietse can be rather blunt at times.  He's also one of the "real"
> security experts out there -- he knows his shit better than anyone.

I know he's been around forever. I used to read his posts on the Zardoz
and Core mailing lists (even though I wasn't *officially* on them) back in
the 80's.

Yes, he lacks tact just like RMS and Theo DeRaadt. I call this the "proud
graduate of the MIT School of Charm".

> I'd suggest you bury the pride.  After doing some benchmarking and
> significant testing, I can say honestly that Postfix outperforms all other
> comers.  The ease of use/configuration is a big plus.
> I'd be happy to help/advise on a changeover to Postfix.

OK, I may take you up on this. I am building a new server and this might
be the right time to do the move away from qmail.

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