Bill Shupp wrote:
> Bill Shupp wrote:
>> I removed the directory called
>> "uninstall/%\(Parent\)s/.qmail-%\(User\)s-default/", and re-tried
>> uninstalling, but the file still exists.  I also experimented with
>> commenting out things in the uninstall/anomolies file, but to no avail.
>>  Any other suggestions?  Are these directories read dynamically, or do I
>> need to recompile?
> Ok, it appears to work if I remove
> skel//%\(Parent\)s/.qmail-%\(User\)s-default/, .qmail-user-default, and
> the .tmda/ and TMDA_Restore.tgz files at the same time.  Meaning, if
> tmda files were installed when the parent file was in the skel
> directory, you need to fully remove all that stuff for it to "forget"
> about the previous skel contents.  That's why I was confused before.  I
> tested, and recompiling is not necessary, just a clean removal.

I don't 100% follow you here, but did want to check one thing (perhaps
this isn't relevant for a virtual qmail installation)...

Typically, you need a .qmail-xxx for the base address and a
.qmail-xxx-default so that mail sent to any extension address (e.g.
confirmation responses) are processed in the same way.

It sounds like you simply aren't installing .qmail-xxx-default any more,
which could cause problems?

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