i have tmda 1.1.8 running on my system fine.  i have a problem getting
the cgi to run now.  any comments?

> *AttributeError*      Python 2.4.3: /usr/bin/python
> Mon Oct 23 07:52:29 2006
> A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of
> function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
>  /usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.15/tmda-cgi.py
> <file:///usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.15/tmda-cgi.py>
>   188   elif Cmd == "pending":
>   189     import PendList
>   190     Call(PendList)
>   191   elif Cmd == "restore":
>   192     pass
> *Call* = <function Call>, *PendList* = <module 'PendList' from
> '/usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.15/PendList.pyc'>
>  /usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.15/tmda-cgi.py
> <file:///usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.15/tmda-cgi.py> in *Call*(Library=<module
> 'PendList' from '/usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.15/PendList.pyc'>, Str=None)
>    86     Library.Show(Str)
>    87   else:
>    88     Library.Show()
>    89 
>    90 # Capture WebUID
> *Library* = <module 'PendList' from
> '/usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.15/PendList.pyc'>, Library.*Show* = <function Show>
>  /usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.15/PendList.py
> <file:///usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.15/PendList.py> in *Show*()
>   636           ScRadio.Add()
>   637 
>   638         Row.Add()
>   639         Count = Count + 1
>   640     
> *Row* = <Template.Template instance>, Row.*Add* = <bound method
> Template.Add of <Template.Template instance>>
>  /usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.15/Template.py
> <file:///usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.15/Template.py> in
> *Add*(self=<Template.Template instance>, Dict={'CharSet': 'utf-8',
> 'CheckName': 'c436', 'Date': 'Tue 10/17', 'DispDir': '/display',
> 'DispRange': '1-500 of 1181', 'ErrMsg': "Capturing the debug
> stream...\nSetting up file au...se: OK ['Logged in.']\nAuthentication
> returned: 1\n", 'FilterOptions': '', 'Info': '&copy;2003 Jim Ramsay,
> based on the Official TMDA Logo', 'MsgClass': 'NewMsg', 'MsgID':
> '1161085102.3718', ...})
>   268     if not Dict: Dict = self.Dict
>   269     self.HTML.append(copy.deepcopy(self.BoilerPlate))
>   270     self.Expand(Dict)
>   271 
>   272   def Clear(self):
> *self* = <Template.Template instance>, self.*Expand* = <bound method
> Template.Expand of <Template.Template instance>>, *Dict* = {'CharSet':
> 'utf-8', 'CheckName': 'c436', 'Date': 'Tue 10/17', 'DispDir':
> '/display', 'DispRange': '1-500 of 1181', 'ErrMsg': "Capturing the
> debug stream...\nSetting up file au...se: OK ['Logged
> in.']\nAuthentication returned: 1\n", 'FilterOptions': '', 'Info':
> '&copy;2003 Jim Ramsay, based on the Official TMDA Logo', 'MsgClass':
> 'NewMsg', 'MsgID': '1161085102.3718', ...}
>  /usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.15/Template.py
> <file:///usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.15/Template.py> in
> *Expand*(self=<Template.Template instance>, Dict={'CharSet': 'utf-8',
> 'CheckName': 'c436', 'Date': 'Tue 10/17', 'DispDir': '/display',
> 'DispRange': '1-500 of 1181', 'ErrMsg': "Capturing the debug
> stream...\nSetting up file au...se: OK ['Logged in.']\nAuthentication
> returned: 1\n", 'FilterOptions': '', 'Info': '&copy;2003 Jim Ramsay,
> based on the Official TMDA Logo', 'MsgClass': 'NewMsg', 'MsgID':
> '1161085102.3718', ...})
>   260             self.LonePctSearch.sub(self.LonePctRepl, self.HTML[i]) % 
> Dict
>   261       else:
>   262         self.HTML[i].Expand(Dict)
>   263     self.BeenExpanded = 1
>   264     return self
> *self* = <Template.Template instance>, self.*HTML* =
> [<Template.Template instance>, <Template.Template instance>,
> <Template.Template instance>, <Template.Template instance>,
> <Template.Template instance>, <Template.Template instance>,
> <Template.Template instance>, <Template.Template instance>,
> <Template.Template instance>, <Template.Template instance>,
> <Template.Template instance>, <Template.Template instance>,
> <Template.Template instance>, <Template.Template instance>,
> <Template.Template instance>, <Template.Template instance>,
> <Template.Template instance>, <Template.Template instance>,
> <Template.Template instance>, <Template.Template instance>, ...],
> *i* = 435, ].Expand /undefined/, *Dict* = {'CharSet': 'utf-8',
> 'CheckName': 'c436', 'Date': 'Tue 10/17', 'DispDir': '/display',
> 'DispRange': '1-500 of 1181', 'ErrMsg': "Capturing the debug
> stream...\nSetting up file au...se: OK ['Logged in.']\nAuthentication
> returned: 1\n", 'FilterOptions': '', 'Info': '&copy;2003 Jim Ramsay,
> based on the Official TMDA Logo', 'MsgClass': 'NewMsg', 'MsgID':
> '1161085102.3718', ...}
>  /usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.15/Template.py
> <file:///usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.15/Template.py> in
> *Expand*(self=<Template.Template instance>, Dict={'CharSet': 'utf-8',
> 'CheckName': 'c436', 'Date': 'Tue 10/17', 'DispDir': '/display',
> 'DispRange': '1-500 of 1181', 'ErrMsg': "Capturing the debug
> stream...\nSetting up file au...se: OK ['Logged in.']\nAuthentication
> returned: 1\n", 'FilterOptions': '', 'Info': '&copy;2003 Jim Ramsay,
> based on the Official TMDA Logo', 'MsgClass': 'NewMsg', 'MsgID':
> '1161085102.3718', ...})
>   260             self.LonePctSearch.sub(self.LonePctRepl, self.HTML[i]) % 
> Dict
>   261       else:
>   262         self.HTML[i].Expand(Dict)
>   263     self.BeenExpanded = 1
>   264     return self
> *self* = <Template.Template instance>, self.*HTML* = [u'\n <tr
> class="NewMsg" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"\n ...g-right: 5px">\n -\n </td>\n '],
> *i* = 0, ].Expand /undefined/, *Dict* = {'CharSet': 'utf-8',
> 'CheckName': 'c436', 'Date': 'Tue 10/17', 'DispDir': '/display',
> 'DispRange': '1-500 of 1181', 'ErrMsg': "Capturing the debug
> stream...\nSetting up file au...se: OK ['Logged in.']\nAuthentication
> returned: 1\n", 'FilterOptions': '', 'Info': '&copy;2003 Jim Ramsay,
> based on the Official TMDA Logo', 'MsgClass': 'NewMsg', 'MsgID':
> '1161085102.3718', ...}
> *AttributeError*: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'Expand'
>       args = ("'unicode' object has no attribute 'Expand'",)
> sunny-beach tmda-cgi-0.15 # pwd && cat configure.ini && echo
> /usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.15
> (dp0
> S'AuthArg'
> p1
> S'imaps://localhost'
> p2
> sS'Perm'
> p3
> S'6711'
> p4
> sS'Config'
> p5
> S'None'
> p6
> sS'SessionPrefix'
> p7
> S'/tmp/TMDASession.'
> p8
> sS'InstPath'
> p9
> S'/usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.15/'
> p10
> sS'Python'
> p11
> S'/usr/bin/python'
> p12
> sS'Base'
> p13
> S'/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages'
> p14
> sS'AuthURI'
> p15
> g2
> sS'Path'
> p16
> S'/usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.15/'
> p17
> sS'AuthProg'
> p18
> S'/usr/sbin/checkpassword'
> p19
> sS'AuthType'
> p20
> S'remote'
> p21
> sS'Target'
> p22
> S'/var/www/blue-labs.org/cgi-bin/tmda.cgi'
> p23
> sS'DispDir'
> p24
> S'/display'
> p25
> sS'CC'
> p26
> S'gcc'
> p27
> sS'VLookup'
> p28
> S'None'
> p29
> sS'Mode'
> p30
> S'system-wide'
> p31
> sS'AuthFile'
> p32
> S'None'
> p33
> sS'SessionOdds'
> p34
> S'0.01'
> p35
> sS'VUser'
> p36
> S'vpopmail'
> p37
> sS'SessionExp'
> p38
> S'300'
> p39
> s.

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