David Leangen wrote:
> The problem I'm having with both methods above (xinetd or command-line)
> is that my mail client is giving me the oh-so-enlightening message that
> it "cannot send message". Uhhh, ok, but why?
> Telnet only says:
> Trying [my.ip.address]...
> telnet: connect to address [my.ip.address]: Connection refused
> telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

Are you sure you're running "telnet ip port_num" not just "telnet ip"?
> Even when running tmda-ofmipd from the command line an in debug mode, I
> am getting NO messages that give me any inkling of what's going on...

You can always edit bin/tmda-ofmipd, find the line that says:


and make it say:

DEBUGSTREAM = file('/tmp/debug.log', 'a+')

That might give some clues...

Although overall, it kinda sounds like the connections might not be
reaching tmda-ofmipd. Perhaps you can turn on some logging in xinetd
(and stunnel if you're using that).

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