> I'm curious, what is the output of `tmda-ofmipd -V' on your system?

# tmda-ofmipd -V
TMDA/1.1.8 "Imperial" (Python/2.3.4 on

BTW, things work now when I run the program from the command line.

However, when I try from xinetd, it appears that vchkpw is somehow not
being set as an option. I'm not very familiar with xinetd, so I just
thought I'd ask...

My logs show:

Incoming connection from: ('some.ip.address', '')
Incoming connection to: ('my.ip.address', 8025)
Data: 'EHLO [some.ip.address]'
Trying authprog method
Auth:  failed for user 'user'

This is my xinetd config file:

service tmda-ofmipd
        socket_type     = stream
        wait            = no
        user            = vpopmail
        group           = vchkpw
        server          = /usr/local/src/tmda/bin/tmda-ofmipd
        server_args     = -1 -p
--vhome-script /home/vpopmail/bin/vpopmail-vdir.sh -A
chkpw /usr/bin/true"
        log_on_failure  += USERID

This is the version of xinetd I'm using:

Name   : xinetd
Arch   : i386
Version: 2.3.13
Release: 4

Any ideas?

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