> I'm not too familiar with the use of openssl, and chances are I
> wouldn't know whether I used openssl wrongly if something appears to
> be wrong. Could you suggest an example of how to use openssl to do this?

I guess I said that too early. With Google's help, I've made a  
successful connection to tmda-ofmipd using openssl. openssl writes a  
lot of certificate info that appears to be correct, and eventually I  
get the desired "220 servername ESMTP tmda-ofmipd" response.

Then after entering "AUTH PLAIN
AGptczFAam1zMS5uZXQAbm90Lm15LnJlYWwucGFzc3dvcmQ=" (a bogus hash, but
presumably that should just cause tmda-ofmipd to reject the
authentication rather than crashing), tmda-ofmipd crashes:

Data: 'AUTH PLAIN AGptczFAam1zMS5uZXQAbm90Lm15LnJlYWwucGFzc3dvcmQ='
trying pop3 authentication for [EMAIL PROTECTED]@localhost:110
pop3 authentication for [EMAIL PROTECTED]@localhost failed
error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel
<__main__.SMTPSession connected at 0x8fcafec> (<type
'exceptions.ValueError'>: [/usr/lib/python2.5/asyncore.py|read|68]
[/usr/bin/tmda-ofmipd|smtp_AUTH|566] [/usr/bin/tmda-ofmipd|auth_challenge|434] 
[/usr/bin/tmda-ofmipd|auth_notify_fail|389] [/usr/bin/tmda-ofmipd|push|189] 

Just to make sure it had nothing to do with EHLO commands and such  
entered after the secure connection had started, I configured  
tmda-ofmipd to start with SSL rather than optional TLS. Connecting  
with an email client configured to use SSL, the ofmipd debug output is:

Incoming connection from: ('', 31233)
Incoming connection to: ('', 8025)
Data: 'EHLO hostname'
error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel  
<__main__.SMTPSession connected at 0x9546d4c> (<type  
'exceptions.ValueError'>: [/usr/lib/python2.5/asyncore.py|read|68]  
[/usr/bin/tmda-ofmipd|smtp_EHLO|463] [/usr/bin/tmda-ofmipd|push|189] 

I don't know anything about Python or its exception traces, but it  
seems to me that something is wrong in some "asyncore.py" file?

Any suggestions?



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