Ole Wolf wrote:
> Sure. The debug output appended below has been reduced in a few cases,  
> leaving some details out that I might not want others to know. (I  
> don't know enough about certificates to know what should be revealed,  
> although I would hardly believe SSL would expose any private matters  
> to the openssl client.)

Hmmm. Still confusing...

I think you'll need to hack the tlslite code to add some extra debug 

Edit /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/tlslite/TLSRecordLayer.py

Find the function _shutdown; search for "def _shutdown(", and add the 
following code right at the start of that function:

         import traceback
             raise "Blah"

Also, find the function close; search for "def close(", and add the same 
code at after the multi-line """ comment at the start of the function.

This should tell use why something is closing the SSL connection.

If that doesn't show anything, then there's a problem with the initial 
SSL handshake marking the connection open in the first place, which 
seems a little unlikely, but who knows.
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