Well, being a caregiver ain't all that bad, at least in my case it ain't.  
There are those moments, but they dissipate in a flash.
You see, if the affectee wishes to be cared for, no prob, but if on the other hand there is resentment (you are fit and I am not) or a feeling of doom and gloom (am gonna die, dang it) then the caregiving job can become a nightmare.     The trick here is to treat the affectee with consideration and respect, and not act like an old nanny with a grudge.   
It's all a 50-50 proposition: one needs care and the other is willing to give it, and that's about it.   So as long as you do your 50%, I can do the other 50 standing on my head.   
So there.    To those of you with a monster for a caregiver, tell him-her to go get a life.
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 9:47 PM        Subject: Re: [TMIC] (no subject)

It has always been my feeling that the caretaker has the more difficult job here........ and as  a tmer I know that I never say thank you enough........with this recent hospitalization I've been made more aware than ever!!!!!!!! 
Thanks to all you caretakers out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
janh   Stillwater, OK

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