Hi Grace,
I certainly hope that your day today didn't begin with as much exercise
as yesterday did!
I hate days like that.
Hopefully, today is better for you...
Put off doing calisthenics for a few days!!!!

Mary W   Grass Valley Ca

--- Begin Message ---
AAARGH!  The day started off semi bad.  Was walking through my bedroom and my toe happened to touch---just touch---a folded pair of blue jean shorts that I had lain on my floor.  The end result being that I almost tripped and went into a pinwheel--old arms a flyin'---motion across my bedroom floor, to barely make it to the safety of the bed where I landed in a very unladylike heap.  Next, it was off the the bathroom to attempt the morning *pee*.  Still being half asleep, I very undecorously flopped down onto the commode, only to miss it by *half a  numb butt cheek*,  doing an unceremonious roll into the wall and toilet paper holder----but (No pun intended.) I still managed to stay seated.  The bath went well.  Getting dressed was another shock.  Since beginning the steroids I've gained weight, but not a huge amount.  Still, my underwear (I wear the old fashioned *Bubba Briefs*) should fit....Right?  Wrong!  The danged things curl up in a ball and sit right under my belly----I look and feel like Homer Simpson.  Viewing this in my full length bedroom mirror was absolutely mortifying.  There I was in all of my glory, big ol' belly sticking out like a five month pregnancy, bird legs with knobby knees, a puffy full moon face AND the worst part.......the beginnings of a moustache on my upper lip.  I've also lately discovered just the hint of beginning sideburns.  I'm so sad.  Before TM/Devic's I was considered to be a middle aged fox, but now........OH MY!
Grace :-(            

--- End Message ---

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