Lipitor saved my life (maybe).  I have type 2B cholesterol (familial).  In my 40's, it started to climb rapidly & my dr put me on 3 meds one after another.  Still, it kept climbing & the dr was almost panicking at the speed of increase.  I won't give you the #s in Cdn count.  Lipitor came on the market about then & he put me on it immediately.  Within six months and to this day (over 15 yrs.), my cholesterol count is below normal.  A success story here, anyway.  I have had zero side effects.

Gillian Clark wrote:

My doctor has just prescribed Lipitor-atorvastatin calcium- to decrease my cholesterol.  For about the first time in my life, I have actually read up on it and all the side effects.  Can only say "NOT HAPPY JAN"
I know that there is a wealth of info on this list so please please please help.  I'm not taking one tablet until I hear from you.
Adelaide South Australia tm 21/08/01

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