I have the Transerve Myelitis Association listed there as my charity of choice. I don't know if I've ever heard of the International Disability Association -- It sounds a little like Gunny's orgnaization, but I can't remember for sure.
Barbara H.
In a message dated 11/19/2005 4:54:03 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
If any of our folks are thinking about shopping on line for Christmas presents, I would
like to suggest finding a place to shop that supports our own organization.
That would be the iGive mall where they have everything from cloths to xylophones to
well...what ever you can think of.  If you go to the site here and sign in,
and please designate the International Disability Coalition as the place you choose
to have your bonus dollars sent.
This amount is based on what you buy and later on they will send you a notice of how
much you have had them donate to this IDC.
This is the organization that Jim Lubin started and that helps us TMers raise funds
to support the organization so they don't have to take as much money out of their own
pockets to keep it going.
It won't cost you a penny to do this and it sure will help.
Mary Eden

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