Dear Everyone,
I've not written in in ages, and want to share some things that have been working (and not) for me, in the hopes that I can give some of you ideas you may not previously have considered.
Recap first - I came down with TM about 2+ yrs. ago T5,6 region. I can walk now yes and have been for a while, but I still have extreme pressure "bands" (forgive me I forget the med. terminology - parathesis? you get the idea I'm sure (-:); have the extremely cold feet symptom and subsequently dread the winter, diminished sensation on the left side of my body from the chest down to my toes, probs with constapation - but most significant, was the debilitating fatigue. I can't wait to tell you what's been working for me. Forgive me if it's been brought up, it is 4 am and I don't have time to do a search in the archive on this. VITAMIN B MONTHLY SHOTS + daily capsules. But the shot is the main thing.
I have noticed such an extreme difference with this - how should I put it? I feel so much more alive (funny thing, energy...).  I have been doing water therapy when my arms get sooo heavy that I have to get out of the pool and call it quits. I realize that I'm a day or so over a month without the shot. I dress and get myself over to the doctor (internist), he gives me the shot and literally, over night I am energized. Maybe pple. w/out TM would benefit from this, but I wanted so much to share this with you all first.
Shoes - my constant quest for warm, stylish shoes that won't squeeze the metatarsel bones, that are soft on the inside. I found them!!
Merrills - maybe they are a new style, but there are nubuck leather on the outside, lined with sheerling wool ( I believe) on the inside and are not officially a wide width but as they run wide they fit. I also have plantar fasciatis and in general my feet cause me pain, but I am hopeful with this shoe as it also has a decent arch and can take orthodics. Still on the hunt for a boot that meets these requirements. Anyone with leads I'd love to hear!
Lastly, lidocane patches or Elmax (lidocane cream). I've been using the patches, haven't yet tried the cream. These patches numb feet that are hypersensitive. You can use them whenever, but I use them when I have been standing on my feet, busy in the kitchen, for example and they are heaven, a bit tingly, but hey, we know about that (-: These are nice.
Exercise - To those of you who encouraged me to exercise a few mo. back.. thank you. I wrote in with a healthy dose of self pity - (what's the point, I can't feel much anyway etc.) I thought b/c I had sensation issues that - my body didn't matter so to speak - well, I've pushed past those thoughts and feelings and while it hasn't changed the physical from the inside - out, at least I am getting back to a decently "sexy" size.  Again, I have no idea if anyone's commented on this, but I feel that TM can mess with out body image (heavy feelings in limbs, clunky shoes etc, though these can be stylish if we look hard, if we're lucky, see shoe recommendation above) and being in good shape can only help.
that's all folks,
I'd love to hear back from anyone who remembers me.. again, I thank you all for your continued support and encouragement - my cyber angels - and I hope that my solutions can help some/any of you out there; I am excited to share them with you - esp. the vitimin B shots.
take care,

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