No I am not one to go to DR's easily either, unless it deems serious to me. This is more superficial, not any puss or dripping or inflammation.
I did not use the creams last night, just a little Vaseline along my eyelids. And already they look a little better. I plan on using a chamomile eye rinse and the tea bags as well. I will also try the olive oil idea. eyebright never worked for me in the past, but who knows now with this TM...I am glad to *know* it was the creams..felt like I was aging 10 years in a few days!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] ladies I need help

I second the vote that you stop  using the cremes. If you really want to use something, maybe for awhile just use a little olive oil or vitamin E oil around the eye area until you figure out what you are allergic to....if indeed it is an allergy. I use Burt's Bee's facial stuff and some other brands that do not use much in the way of synthetics.  Look into the herb Eyebright and see if maybe you can make an eyewash out of it. I am not sure if you can or not. I guess I am just not one to go to doctors easily (sorry, Frank). I always try to treat at home if possible.
Laura in NC

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