Mary Eden said it pretty much like I understand it.  Basically, those of us in wheelchairs and are non weight bearing are more likely to get osteoporosis.  Also, some of us fit the "mold" of those most like to get osteoporosis.  My bone density tests show I have severe osteoporosis.  I take Fosamax and calcium supplements.  Over the last several years I have actually seen a small increase in the bone density. 
I have a lot of experience with broken legs - 4 times.  The doctors really can't do to much for me.  As one put it, to try and put the pins in the bone like he would have done with a person with regular bones, would be like trying to nail hamburg meat to the wall.  Great visual! 
Happy New Year everyone.
Cindy McLeroy
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2005 6:12 AM
Subject: [TMIC] bone problems

I think I remember my neurologist saying something about
that while I was in the hospital and asking him about future consequences from
all that prednisone he was giving me by I.V.
Several years after my TM event  my family physician ordered a bone density test
for me.  It showed that I was in the early stages of osteoporesis and he immediately
put me on Fosamax and told me to increase my calcium intake.  He will repeat this
bone density test next spring and see if anything has improved.
Those who are able to walk and stand will have less problems than those of us
who are in wheelchairs....because you use these bones to do those things.
Maybe Frank can weigh in on this for us.
Mary Eden

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