" Upper body exercise helps.  The most common location for Osteoporosis is in the upper spine- not anywhere near your legs.'     sAYS fRANK
Even though you are a physician, Frank, I must disagree with you at this time. 
Traditionally the most common location for osteoporosis is in the upper spine...no where near your legs.   However,
In patients, like me, who do not weight bear on my legs at all, the risk for brittle bones is much higher than for those people that stand,
I still recommend that each one of you see your doctor or physiologist and speak to them about it.  Do some research on the subject too, like I am going to do.
Take good care, everyone.  I have missed you immensly and am looking at going back into a nursing home for the duration of my time...8 wks.  This time I will take my laptop and tv to entertain myself with.
I love you all,

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