Hi Jude,
You are welcome. I'm glad your insurance company is paying for the Lyrica. I don't know who started the conversation, but I do remember many months ago several people mentioned a new drug was coming out in Aug 2005 that was suppose to replace neurontin and be better. Shortly after that is when my doctor gave me a month supply of Lyrica - and I did write in about the great benefits I had from it.
I'm sure many more are also taking Lyrica. Anybody out there??
Take care Jude - hope you feel better soon!
Linda in Bothell, WA
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In a message dated 1/7/2006 9:54:26 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hi Jude,
That was me (Linda) talking about the miracles of Lyrica.  My neuro gave me a one month supply, started me slowly until I reached the maximum dose (2 pills a day total 100mg), I had NO side effects and almost NO pain at all! I could not believe it. I had some of my life back! He had weaned me down to almost no neurontin by then. He then gave me a prescription for Lyrica but my insurance company would not cover it.  The doctor appealed 3 times - still the answer was NO.  It is an absolutely great drug and you do not have to take neurontin once you reach the max dose of Lyrica.
I am going to do what Sally suggested. Call the company who makes Lyrica and explain to them what has happened and plead my case for all TMers. Maybe they will feel generous and give us a good deal on the cost or even give us some for free!  That's even better.
I was up half the night last night first with legs and feet that were so cold I simply could not get them warm. Then I woke up after a whole 2 hours of sleep with legs and feet that were on fire. They still are.......so very painful........I feel like screaming   : - )
Hope that answers your questions. I will let everyone know what I find out from the makers of Lyrica.
Love to all
Linda in rainy, windy Bothell, WA
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In a message dated 1/7/2006 6:31:09 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Sally, you are also very fortunate not to have pain. I can't even imagine. I have had pain since 1988, starting with the joint pain, and then TM hit 4 years ago. The first year was the "best" (if there could possibly be one!) because I didn't have any feeling from my chest down. Then after about a year, wowser - exploding neuropathic pain. I did get a month supply of Lyrica a few months ago from my doctor - I could not believe the difference. Almost NO pain. Oh - and I had no side effects, lucky me. However my insurance company won't cover it! So I'm back to neurontin which quite frankly only just barely takes the edge off.
And I agree, I continue to pray for those in pain and for those with other related symptoms that go along with TM.
Love you all
Linda in Bothell, WA - yep, still raining!
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I am with Alton as far as the pain goes, I have never had any of that with TM. I do feel so sorry for the ones that have the pain you can't get under control. I have had pain in 79 and nothing took it away. It went on for several weeks in the beginning and then 4 weeks at a time off and on during 5 mos or so. I pray all the time for those of you in pain, even those that don't and yet have other types of not really pain but so so.
Hope you take care and have a better day today.
Love ya all
I am not sure if I am replying to Linda or Sally, so please forgive me.  I seem to be missing a lot of emails and only a few come through giving me only a portion of the communication going on between TM members.
My doctor just gave me a script for Lyrica.  Linda, are you the one who is now taking it?  Can you give me a bit more feedback about it?  Are you having more side effects and is it still working so well on the pain?? 
My pain level is way up these days, with two broken legs to tend with as well as the neuropathic pain from TM.  My doc told me to back off of the Neurontin while on the Lyrica.  Did you notice any effects from not taking the Neurontin any longer?  I've been on it so long now, I am afraid to be without it.
Please get back with me as soon as you have the time.  I really need help with my pain and probably ought to start the Lyrica.
Thank you so much,
Peace and Love,
Hi Linda,
Thanks for getting back to me so promptly.  I'm glad that you found the Lyrica worked so well for you, but am saddened that the insurance company will not pay for it. 
My insurance Co. paid for at least the first prescription so guess that means it will continue to pay for the long run.  I only have to build up on it and taper off of the neurontin in order to see whether or not it will work for me.
I must have been in the hospital or nursing home while the discussions for Lyrica were taking place on the list.  What started all of the hullabaloo about it?  Do you know who else is taking it?  I guess I could go to the archives and read up on it, but simply do not have the energy to do so.
Now, all the talk is of SSD and SSI and how getting it was such a walk in the park for some people.  I am not one of the blessed ones as I cannot go for TM because I had not been working the required amount of time previously to contracting the disease.  I am trying to get it for Fibromyalgia since 1989 and it has not been easy.
Gotta go and read more email.

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