In a message dated 2/4/2006 10:17:33 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
     I have been taking 30 mg of baclofen twice a day since August 1995.
     I just started getting my meds by mail,and I was without it for 3 doses. The tightness in my trunk was unbearable;I didn't sleep or eat after the first missed dose,until I took it for 2 days. The past 3 weeks,I've still had more tightness than I've had in years.
     I will NEVER go without it again.
       Cheryl in Easthampton,Mass.

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Hi Cheryl,
I too have the banding around my torso and it gets unbearable whenever something is wrong with me.  A while ago, I tried to go off of baclofen too, and wound up like you, in extreme discomfort.  Now, my doc prescribes me some valium which works much better, but I only take it when the tightness gets too much to bear.  Maybe your doc will do the same for you.  I only have 5mg. pills and take 1/2 at a time so they don't knock me out.  I like to stay in control...
Best of everything to you,

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