yep, my forum is still there, I haven't been there either!!  It seems that no one was interested and it was lonely by myself
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] House Rules

The only official rules are on the TMIC web site at and say:

TMIC-LIST Guidelines



Problems: If you have any problems or suggestions with the list, please contact the list owner Jim Lubin



Eveything else kind of developed by more-or-less mutual agreement over time, like putting "OT" for "off-topic" in the subject line when the topic isn't specifically TM-related, etc.

From time to time we have these differences of opinion between those who want the list to be "all business" -- the business of dealing with TM -- and others who have gotten to know each other and gotten friendly and want to be more chatty. I think at one point someone began a list for those who wanted to talk beyond just TM, but I don't think it lasted. Gilly had a web site for those who wanted a place to just talk and visit -- Gilly is that still up? I haven't been there in a while.

I can see points on both sides of the issue. Being just totally TM only can be kind of cold and sterile and stifle budding friendships. I mean -- even usually in cold and sterile places like my doctor's exam room, there is a little small talk beyond just the business of being there -- it adds warmth and humanness. But when there is a bunch of non-TM stuff and "chatter" it can kind of clutter up one's mailbox. I've always thought that if there was something of a balance, a little non-TM stuff was ok (but that's just me). Perhaps if a conversation is straying off-topic, people could hit "Reply to all" and then remove the TMIC mailing address so everyone in the conversation gets the mail but the main list doesn't -- just a suggestion.

(ME -- I'm not adding this to "correct" you -- just adding my understanding to yours. :-) )

Barbara H.

In a message dated 2/5/2006 12:01:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
There are just a few rules for this tmic-list that I have learned
by breaking them over the years on here. I don't know if they
are written anywhere, but I have not seen them.
The first and foremost rule is that this is a site for TMers and
their family members (whom we welcome!).  Others are welcome
to be here also....I just don't know how to define them.
Some may have other diseases similar to TM, like MS, and
they are very very welcome.
Sales people are not allowed to peddle their products though.
I think the only other rules might be that all emails should be decent,
considerate, on topic (that would be TM and it's associated
problems/difficulties), and fairly up front with all the problems
we have and/or need help to deal with.
I remember very well the times I was corrected for
sending anything to the list that had to do with other subjects
especially about religion or politics.  And, it would be better
for someone who has been here longer than I have to tell
the group if there are any more rules to abide by.
It is my understanding that those 'other subjects' should
be to a particular person (s) and not the entire list.
If this is wrong, someone please feel free to correct me.
Privately, that is.  Not on the tmic-list for all to see.
(Mary Eden)

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