Actually, after much experimenting, I've found that Tahoma font 14 is very readable and for those with bad eyesight it is a bit better than typing in all caps in TimesNewRoman font 12.
Try it, you'll like it.
And for those of you using font 8 or smaller:   *&^%$#!*$^ô¿ô^&#$%&*!!!!!
Bobberino in Elvisland, where the snow that fell on Friday is all but gone.
From: Gillian Clark   To: TM list
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] a rule about shouting

I agree Alton.  I have Fuchs Dystrophy and before I had corneal transplants, I would not have been able to see that there was anything on the "page" unless it was in large bold fonts but capitals just make it all a bit harder.
I think that if we all used a minimum of size 12 and bold, it would be easier for the very many of us who suffer with eyesight problems.
It takes just two clicks of your mouse to do this.
From: Alton Ryder      To: TM List    Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 8:32 AM
Subject: [TMIC] a rule about shouting

Please use lower case in your notes. Upper case, i.e.,all caps, is best used only for emphasis and for shouting.

I'm not being the note police here - just repeating a rule I first learned in the '70's or early '80's.

Alton, who finds shouting very hard to read
I might add that some fonts and all notes in tiny type are hard for old eyes to read.   

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