I am so confused!!! My new neurologist wants me to start MS meds immediately. I 
don't understand, it's been four years!He is positive I have MS. I have an 
appointment with another "top" neurologist in the Washington, D.C. area on 
March 16th. I will see what he has to say! My injury was at the C7-C11 on the 
spine. Thanks so much for getting back to me and I will let you know what the 
next neurologist has to say.

>From: Sue Zieke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wed Feb 15 10:27:39 CST 2006
>Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
>Subject: Re: [TMIC] TM or MS

>marie, your story certainly struck a chord with me. i was dx with tm in 
>may 2000.  one lesion c2-c6. none in my brain. sept 2005 my neuro 
>repeated brain mri, i have 10 plus lesions in my brain, she tells me 
>absolutely i now have ms.  then 2 weeks later as we talk again she 
>changes her tune after reviewing an mri i had in 2002 when i had 
>pneumonia, which was not of good quality as i couldn't hold still 
>because of the pain, because it too showed changes in the white matter 
>of my brain, then they called them insignificant. she says because 
>there hasn't been any other big symptoms it might not be ms. i did have 
>an episode of not being able to initiate swallowing a year ago.  so she 
>ran more tests, evoked potentials on eyes and brain stem, another 
>lumbar punch, neuropsych testing. no more signs of demylenization so 
>for now it's not ms.  the neuropsych testing did show marked decrease 
>in memory which could be a sign of ms, but not without other symptoms  
>she says that some people over 50, i'm 53, get these lesions in their 
>brains, just a part of aging, i guess. i really felt yanked around 
>emotionally. but am glad she changed her mind and didn't go ahead and 
>put me on the ms drugs.  i have an appt in may to see dr kerr and am 
>looking forward to getting another opinion on this.   sue
>On Sunday, February 12, 2006, at 10:12  PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> Feb. 7th was my 4th year anniversary of having TM... I have come a 
>> long way from that night from "hell" when no-one could figure out 
>> exactly what was wrong with me... Finally, it was decided TM was the 
>> diagnosis. Johns Hopkins agreed with this diagnosis.I take 600mg of 
>> neurontin 4 times a day... tho am never without pain.. I now walk with 
>> a walker, have hand controls on my car and with my faith and family 
>> have adjusted to my new life style. Due to Medicare I had to switch 
>> all my doctors. A Neurologist was highly recommened as one of the best 
>> in the area. Long story short...after all new MRI's etc... etc.. he 
>> informed me that without a doubt I have Multiple Sclerosis. I am still 
>> in shock and not sure what is my next step. I have made an appointment 
>> with another "top" neurologist in the D.C area..  I have 5 lesions on  
>> my brain which supposedly indicate MS. I am 59 years old. Also my 
>> brother -55- was just diagnosed with underlying MS....
>> Any thoughts, suggestions would be greatly, greatly accepted... Anyone 
>> of you with TM have lesions on the brain????
>> Thanks so much!
>> Marie Arthur

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