Hi Jill,
Re lesions going away :-  I was very lucky that a large lesion (just below the waist) disappeared some time in my 2nd year of TM.  Didn't make any difference in my symptoms but it sure felt great to hear the news.
Diane in Canada

Jill Z wrote:

I'm pretty new to the TM thing and seem to be making a good recovery so far but I was wondering if:#1 - Do any of the women notice their symptoms are a little worse before their periods or ovulation? #2 does anyone ever get a pressure like feeling in their head?  It's not a headache but just feels like pressure?I have low blood pressure too by the way 110/60. I'm 35 yrs old and have a lesion at T11-12Also, has anyone ever heard of these lesions going away???Any advice would be appreciated.Thanks,Jill

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