How the heck do you WORK?  Is it full-time?  I was first hit last May, and am walking, etc. fairly well but have such limited endurance.  I'm great some days, and others, it's all I can do to take care of myself, especially if I have an appt. or have to take the bus to buy groceries.
So I'm wondering if your body doesn't just plain need more rest to heal completely?  That's my UNprofessional opinion - I really don't know any answers, but that just seems logical.  
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 19:57:37 -0500
Subject: [TMIC] Relapse & Steoirds

You all are awesome at giving out words of kindness and encouragement. Here is what I am going through and if you have any suggestions, through them my way. 
June 2005, diagnosed TM. Hospitalized 5 weeks. One week IV steroids, 4 weeks aggressive rehab. Got strong enough to walk again. 
Beginning of Feb 2006 I started growing weaker. My most affected leg becoming more limp with tighter banding. Met with my neuro, who suggested f/u MRI to look for any changes since June and a Visual Evoked Response Test. The brain MRI showed no change. Which I guess is good since he was looking for MS. But now he says it must must be a relapse of TM.This past weekend, felt like my back was swollen, both legs got worse. I was on an oral dose of 
Methylprednisolone (Steroid) 250 mg 2 capsules twice daily for 5 days then 1 daily for 5 days, the neuro said that was equal to ! the IV I had in June. Since I finished this dosage 2 days ago, I became worse. Today my neuro is now putting me back on a steroid, but a different one and a lower dose. Prednisone 60 mg for 4 days, then 40mg for 4 days, and then 20 mg for 4 days. I HATE the way I felt while I was on the Methylprednisolone. I was depressed, food tasted like crap, and overall feeling of exhaustion. I am also diabetic, controlled by Actos, diet and exercise. Naturally, taking the steroids I had to use insulin injections to keep the blood sugar under control. What I would like to do is crawl in a dark room and stay there for the next 12 days. :( AND I have an interview for a new job on March 3rd, cause I got fired from my last one cause I can't keep my thoughts straight and not learning it fast enough. I have NEVER encountered this problem before. Is there anything I can do? What else besides steroids are out there for this monster, TM? How many relapses are probable? I was doing so good and no! w back to using the walker. Could stress from the job have bro! ught on the relapse. Are there any finding of this sort that stress and TM do not mix? How do I get through the next 12 days of steroids and and interview? How did you all overcome the ill affects of steroids when you were on them? 
Recap: my concerns of relapse, feeling of sickness and depression and overall feeling of cloudiness while taking the steroids. 
Carol in Culver, IN 

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