Hi there


My husband has TM…………… he walks and works teaching young soldiers how to mend tanks! He struggles some days to get out of bed but loves what he does. He teaches on 2 different size tanks. When teaching the large tanks he does not have to stand for prolonged periods. On the small tanks he does, which can then make it impossible to walk for a few days……………..so it was agreed by various bosses including his direct boss Tom that he would stay with the large tanks. However since then his boss Tom is constantly putting him down in front off the other staff and has asked personnel/HR to get hold of his medical records. This Tom obviously has a problem with Roger and his TM which no one seems to understand over here in the UK anyway. It’s hard enough for Roger to live his life with TM anyway without all these letters he gets when he gets home form is working day regarding proof of what he has and what he can do at work. His big boss is an old friend from his army days and has no problem with Roger. It’s this chap Tom doing a witch hunt. He works for a very large company called Vosper Thorneycroft. He has joined his union now since this all kicked off about 6 months ago and got resolved or so we thought!

Roger is a private man and really does not want his private medical records to be given to his company. It has details of depression and counseling in it plus details about erectile dysfunction and everything he tried to overcome it which is all part of his TM but nothing to do with his physical capability at work.

Sorry to go on but I needed to explain the situation before asking if any of you guys had been in a similar situation and could offer any worthwhile advice. I suggested that he send a letter from our solicitor saying he feels as though he is being harassed and discriminated against, what do you think?


Sally Wilkinson

Busness Development Manager

Genesis Design

The Barn Ipsden Oxfordshire OX10 6AS

+44(0)1491 682277



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