Well, my chiro looked at my neck and after I told her I have crepitation there she decided to take x-rays before she works on it.     But for now we're still working on that lumbago.
The sciatica is history, thankgawd.
And why has this been going on for so long.......???  Because of the physical stress I go thru at work at FedEx.   Moving around boxes weighing 50-60 kgs (120-140 lbs) isn't easy on me tired olde bonezzzzzz.  I come home totally whooped........ it takes me a couple of ales just to get meself over it all.   :>):>):>).
The chiro also told me I have a bit of spondilolisthesis in the lumbar area.   Hmmmmm.
But then, being as old as me is, am surprised not more is kaput within me bonezzzzz.
As for bursitis, I have it in both shoulders, as well as tendonitis in both knees.........
am surprised I can still move about....!!!!!!!!
Regards from Elvisland,     Bobberino   
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] to chiro or not to chiro

I have also been seeing a chiropractor (for the last 2 months).  He has helped me immensely.  The spasms in my lower back are so severe that all the surrounding tissue (hard and soft) is affected -  I had bursitis in both hips, inflammation around my tail bone and hamstring and 7 areas of pinched (scrunched) nerve ends.  The chiro has reduced almost all the peripheral pain.  As for the spasms, well...that's not his area of expertise.  But he has given me back my life as it was 2 years ago.

I have to add that I felt a chiro was my last resort.  The neuro and my family doctor couldn't seem to help.  I tried a homeopath for about a year and that didn't help.  Then I tried Dit-Da medecine (Chinese, acupressure & cupping) and that was a waste of money too.  My only revervation with the chiro was that he not crack my neck and he hasn't.  He is, however, working on the soft tissue that has been affected from poor posture I seem to have acquired against the pain.  All in all, a good experience.  I am also having a weekly massage.

Diane in Canada (6yrs TM)

BobbyJim wrote:

Me missus, the one with MS, has gone to a chiro with no problems.I guess it all depends on the quality of the chiro and his-her treatment.I've been going to the same one since June and my sciatica is gone as is almost my lumbago.No probs whatsoever. Regards,   Bobberino in Elvisland 

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