Dear Jude
I wanted to send this right off to you. Claudia who sent this to my RP group has found her relief in Lyrican and how she could take both for a short time and drop Neurontin at the same time. She was in a lot of pain just like Birdie and now it is leaving her body!!!!! Good luck and can't wait to hear how you make out with it.
Love to all
I took my first Lyrica last night and one this morning.  I called Pfizer and talked to a medical consultant on how to taper off the Neurontin.  They told me to cut my N in 1/2 and take 150mg of Lyrica for 4 days then go off the Neurontin and on the prescribed dose of Lyrica. 
I was on 1500mg of Neurontin so yesterday I took 900mg and 75 mg of Lyrica last night.  I took 75 mg this am and will take another 75 tonight and I will take 750mg of Neurontin today.  LOL  Is this making any sense???? :) 
Anyway, I could feel the difference in the shingle pain last night.  I haven't had to use any Lidocane patches today and my legs and feet feel better already too.  I'm hoping it will last.  I'm suppose to take 150mg of L in the am and same at pm. 
OH SALLY,  how can I ever thank you enough!!!!   Just for the shingle pain alone.  I'm still taking my percocet, but hoping that will taper off too.  HUGS, HUGS AND MORE HUGS!!!!!
Ruthann, why are you taking it?  Fill me in on how you are doing. What did the dr say today?? 


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