Hi, Kate,
I took Tegretol (Carbamazepine) for a while and it was helpful. Pain wasn't my primary complaint, though -- I had more pain then than now, and it's intermittent. But it did help with general symptoms. My neuro said it helps "quiet down" the nervous system. I stopped taking it because they have to keep a watch on your liver functions with it. I don't mean to scare anyone -- I don't know what the parameters are for safety and long-tern usage. I know it's used by epileptics, so some degree of long-term usage must be ok (best to consult with a dr.). But I felt I would rather see if I could get by without it.
It's hard to balance when and how far to push the body. There's no improvement without some push beyond what feels comfortable. But exercise and moving in certain ways can cause some muscles to spasm or stiffen or just not feel right. Sometimes -- most often -- that's just a temporary thing that settles down after exercise. My PT wanted me to ride an exercise bike, but it was extremely uncomfortable. In the beginning, I could hardly use my left hand to even to wash my hair. Any exercise I tried with it seemed to send it into convulsions of sorts. So it was kind of a back-and-forth thing -- working with it a little bit, then backing off, then trying again another time.
I was hoping someone might have something more scientific to point to. :-) There might be links to some studies about this at the TMA and TMIC web sites -- there are tons of resources and articles behind some of the links there (www.myelitis.org and www.myelitis.org/tmic respectively). I need to dash off this morning or I'd take a few minutes and look around, but maybe someone else knows of articles about this issue.
Barbara H.

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