Yeah, I see what you mean--I was repeating what someone on the list told
me a year or so ago, and was speaking of the sphincters,   Of course there
are other muscles that push in  the case of bladder and bowel.
And of course, my own damage is at the sacral level, so I am a mess, and
am still trying to understand it all.  Thanks for the help and for the
websites!  Anything you may have to say in further clarification of the
anatomy and function would be welcome.  Cora

>  > same muscles control both
> Mnnn. No, not really.  Control for each comes from the brain and the
> sacral spinal cord. The muscles are quite separate. Even f the
> bladder, for example, the detrusor muscles [the push the urine out
> muscles] are separate from the bladder sphincter muscles that won't
> let it out. My personal problem is that both sets of muscles
> spastically contract at the same time - the bladder tries to empty so
> badly it hurts while the sphincter blocks all but a teaspoon
> [detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia].  Because of this I wear a Foley.
> A Google search for neurogenic bladder yields
>                  read it.
> A Google search for          nerves autonomic "bowel
> incontinence"       yields
>                      read it.
> Alton, who has little trouble with his tail

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